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Baby won’t stop crying. Baby Colic Symptoms and How to Provide Relief

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Infants are among the most valuable and fragile living beings on the planet, thus their welfare is paramount to guardians.

Colic is a challenge that many parents encounter in the early stages of their newborn’s life.

Colic is referred to as an instance when infants cry unceasingly and inordinate, usually commencing at two to three weeks of age while continuing for a period of three to four months.

It is crucial to be aware of the signs of colic and methods to alleviate it as it can cause anguish for both the infant and the caregivers.

Baby Colic Symptoms

Symptoms of Colic in Infants

Signs of infantile colic
Colic manifestations are not uniform and may differ from one infant to another. However, there are several typical indicators that you should be cognizant of, such as:

A colicky infant may cry excessively, without an apparent cause. The weeping can be unrestrained and may happen regularly at a particular time each day, commonly in the late afternoon or evening.

A baby experiencing colic may display high levels of fussiness and irritability, leading to difficulties in calming down despite attempts to soothe or hold them.

Infants experiencing colic tend to exhibit physical signs such as clenched fists, arched backs, and tightened abdominal muscles.

Colicky infants may experience challenges in both drifting off to sleep and maintaining prolonged periods of rest.

Colicky infants may display a reluctance to eat, leading to either decreased intake or, conversely, an increase in the frequency of feedings.

Infants with colic may feel discomfort and pain due to gas and abdominal bloating.

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Causes of Baby Colic

The exact cause of colic is not known, but there are several theories about what may contribute to it.

Some possible causes of baby colic include:

  1. Immature digestive system: Babies have developing digestive systems, and some experts believe that colic may be related to the immaturity of the digestive system, which can cause discomfort and pain.

  2. Food allergies or sensitivities: Some babies may be allergic or sensitive to certain foods, such as cow’s milk or soy formula, which can cause colic-like symptoms.

  3. Overstimulation: Overstimulation from lights, noise, or activity can be overwhelming for babies, leading to colic-like symptoms.

  4. Inconsolable crying: Some babies may cry excessively due to overstimulation or an inability to self-soothe, leading to colic-like symptoms.

  5. Parental stress: Research suggests that parental stress may contribute to colic in some babies, as stress can affect a baby’s behavior and digestive system.

how to help colic baby

How to Provide Relief for Baby Colic

Although the specific reason for colic is uncertain, numerous suppositions have been made about the possible factors that lead to it.

There are a variety of potential reasons for infantile colic.

The digestive system of infants is in its developing stage, and there is a school of thought suggesting that colic might be a consequence of the system’s immaturity leading to pain and discomfort.

Certain types of food allergies or sensitivities, such as those towards cow’s milk or soy formula, may result in colic-like symptoms amongst babies.

Babies can experience colic-like symptoms as a result of being inundated with stimuli, such as excessive noise, lights, or activity, which can be quite overwhelming for them.

According to research, parental stress could possibly play a role in causing colic in babies, as it can impact the behavior and digestive system of a baby.

How to provide assistance to an infant experiencing colic.

Effective Ways to Alleviate Infant Colic
Although there is no known remedy for colic, parents can employ various techniques to alleviate their colicky infant’s discomfort. Below are some useful suggestions:

Experiment with various feeding methods: A few infants might react to the way they are nourished. Therefore, it is recommended to attempt multiple methods like feeding upright, burping frequently, or offering small, more frequent portions during meals.

Consider using a pacifier as it can pacify a colicky baby by mimicking the sucking motion and inducing relaxation and ease.

One way to ease the discomfort and pain associated with gassiness and bloating in babies is by giving them a gentle tummy massage in a clockwise direction.

Gently embracing and consoling the infant can effectively soothe them and instill feelings of protection and reassurance.

Employ white noise as a remedy: The sound of a fan or a vacuum cleaner, commonly known as white noise, can have a tranquilizing effect on a baby with colic as it is a familiar and soothing sound.

Consider babywearing as a solution: Employing a baby sling or wrap could create a soothing and stable atmosphere for your infant, potentially lessening their colic symptoms.

Consult with your pediatrician regarding the possibility of testing out a hypoallergenic formula if you are using formula for feeding.

Consider using probiotics as a solution: Research suggests that the use of probiotics can aid in reducing colic indications among infants by fostering proper digestion. Consult with your child’s medical practitioner to determine if probiotics could be a suitable alternative for your infant.

To prevent overstimulation, it is wise to keep noise and activity levels low, particularly in the late afternoon and evening when colic symptoms tend to escalate.

Ensure your well-being: As handling a colicky infant can be difficult, it’s crucial to prioritize your own self-care as well. Make certain to obtain sufficient rest, consume nutritious meals, and seek assistance from loved ones and friends.

how to help colic infant

When is it necessary to seek medical attention?

Although colic is a normal and usually benign ailment, it is essential to obtain medical help if your infant displays any of the subsequent indications:

If your baby’s body temperature crosses the mark of 100.4°F, it is advisable to get medical assistance without any delay to treat the high fever.

In the event that your infant is experiencing vomiting or diarrhea, particularly if it is linked with a high temperature, it is advisable to seek professional medical care.

If your baby experiences difficulty in breathing, shows signs of wheezing or has blue lips or skin, seek immediate medical assistance.

If your baby shows signs of being unresponsive or excessively drowsy, do not hesitate to seek immediate medical attention.

In the event that your infant is declining nourishment or fluids, it is advisable to seek professional medical assistance.

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Colic is when babies cry a lot and it can be hard for both the baby and parents.

Help your baby feel better if they have colic by trying different ways to feed them, comforting them, making the environment quiet, and taking care of yourself too.

It’s important to take your baby to the doctor right away if they have a high fever or difficulty breathing. This will help keep your baby healthy and safe. You can give your baby love and attention during a difficult time by staying determined and calm.

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